This recipe comes from a Korean friend of mine. One season, her son and mine were on the same soccer team. I first tasted this dish at our traditional end of season soccer party. Everyone loved it! I have made it once before. I don't think it is as good as hers (and it most likely never will be), but I got a little closer with this one. One thing that made a huge difference, (and it is something she was emphatic about) was that the meat was cut much thinner this time. Last time I went to Publix, (not my regular one mind you but one close to where I was taking the boy) and the very nice teen behind the butchers counter tried his best, but it was way to thick. My friend says she gets her's shave cut at the Publix by us, but this time I went to Ray's Quality Meats. I called ahead to see if they could go the pork in a "shaved cut". They were super nice and helpful. They put it in the freezer and hand cut it to it was much thinner than what I got before. She recommends serving them in butter lettuce cups. I love it that way. I also made some jasmine rice with a little bit of soy sauce. I didn't grill it after cooking. I wasn't going to heat up a grill just for this, so I added a dash of liquid smoke at the end.
Korean Pork Barbecue
4 Servings
1 1/2 lean pork shaved cut
2 T Korean pepper paste
2 T Korean pepper powder
2 T sugar
1 1/2 T soy sauce
1 T sesame oil
1 1/2 T sake
1 T garlic minced
1/2 T ginger minced
1/2 of a medium sized onion minced
1.Combine all ingredients except pork and blend well. Then add the
2.Let marinate
3.Cook over low heat, covered, until done. (I found a long slow simmer for a long time worked best for me)
4.Take lid off and allow some of the excess liquid to evaporate
5.Grill the meat for a few minutes to get the bbq smoky flavor
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