Cheddar-And-Onion Smashed Burgers

Cheddar-And-Onion Smashed Burgers
16 thin bread-and-butter pickle slices,patted dry
Four 4-inch potato buns buttered and toasted
1 1/4 lb ground beef chuck (30 percent fat)
Salt and freshly ground pepper
2 small onions,sliced paper thin
4 ounces sharp cheddar cheese sliced
Umami dust,for sprinkling (optional, see Note)
1. Heat a cast-iron griddle until very hot. Layer the pickle slices
on the bottom buns.
2. Without overworking the meat, loosely form it into 4 balls and
place them on the griddle. Cook the meatballs over moderately high heat
for 30 seconds. Using a sturdy large spatula, flatten each ball into a
5-inch round patty. Season the patties with salt and pepper and cook
for 2 minutes, until well seared. Press a handful of sliced onions onto
each patty. Using the spatula, carefully flip each burger so the onions
are on the bottom. Top with the cheese and cook for 2 minutes. Cover
with a roasting pan and cook just until the cheese is melted, 1 minute
more. Transfer the burgers with the onions to the buns and sprinkle
with umami dust. Top with the buns and serve.
Notes The Secret Seasoning To make simplified umami dust, use a spice
grinder to pulse 3 tablespoons bonito flakes, 1/2 ounce crumbled dried
kombu, and 1/2 ounce dried shitake mushrooms into a powder. Umami dust
will soon be available at
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