My daughter has a new found love affair with shrimp. Yes the two year old who turned her nose up at even tasting shrimp for a year now, can't get enough. Well as I had some in the freezer and I really need to thin out my overflowing pantry/freezer/fridge, so I thought I would play around with the shrimp and the grill. I also found one small lonely piece of cod in the freezer so I thought I would cook it up too. I remember my friend once made a very tasty shrimp on the grill and I seem to recall that he said that they were brushed with honey mustard. Eureka, I have left over "outback" honey mustard from the 30th. (and I am calling this in my head shrimp on the barbie and giggling. Could this be fate?) I brushed half of the skewers with the honey mustard and let them sit for about 15 minutes. I spooned the dressing that had run off the shrimp and reapplied it half way through. The rest, I either left plain or brushed with a sweet Asian chili sauce. I then brushed the cod with hoisin sauce. While they were "marinating" I made some cous cous with a herb and wine infused broth I got at the grocery BOGO with my carton of low sodium organic chicken broth and never found a use for and a pat of butter. To round out the meal, we had a salad with a balsamic vinaigrette. The result of my "experiment"? 1) I think grilling is the best way to make shrimp. 2) The honey mustard is the best glaze for them. 3) Hoisin sauce makes an amazing glaze on the grill. 4) And last but not least, thoroughly patting the shrimp dry is a MUST.
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