It's Monday and we are trying to do Meatless Mondays. While we have had at least one day a week in the past that has meatless dinners, we are making an effort to have the entire day be meatless. (for the kids when possible) I decided I wanted to do something I have always wanted to try, grilling pizza. My husband scoffed at the idea of grilling pizza. (He scoffed at the idea of grilled romaine too, but he loved it) My husband was not as enamored with this pizza as he was with the grilled romaine. I can attribute this to two reasons. 1) He has an aversion to the texture of raw tomatoes, and these were lightly cooked. 2) He did the actual grilling. Its Florida and it's summer; it is hot sweaty work, which is why I happily took him up on his offer to do the grilling. I prepped everything he needed and gave it to him as needed:) There were some logistical issues with the grilling that really needed some familiarity with the process to prevent frustration. I can see how all this detracted from his enjoyment of the meal. His issues aside, I had some issues too. The tomatoes made for a watery mess as they cooked. Next time, I would either dehydrate them in the oven for about 20 minutes or at the very least, press them between paper towels and remove the seeds. And that my friends is another thing I like about blogging my meals. Not only can I easily share recipes, but I can make the novice mistakes for you;). And speaking of sharing, I was asked the other day why I share the recipes we didn't like. I replied that not everyone has the same tastes and surely there were people out there who would quite like that load of crap we just made(just kidding about the crap ;), and for those like minded people out there, I can help them avert disaster! lol. I did really like the smokey flavors that the grilling of the pizza imparted. Oh and another great thing, no hot oven in the house and we get pizza! I would like to try it again, and soon. If my obsessive side wins out when deciding tomorrows diner, it will be then. When I feel the need to explore and an idea, I really like to do it to death. (ahem, does anyone remember the 20 burgers in a few months?:) And I don't like feeling like I haven't mastered something. (except dough making. I am happily inept) So I guess I have decided, family, we are grilling pizza again:)
Tomato, Caramelized Onion, And Stilton Pizza
3 T butter
1 large yellow cooking onion diced
1/4 c cornmeal,or flour
1 (4-inch) ball prepared dough,let rise to room temperature
2 T olive oil
3 medium tomatoes,thinly sliced
4 ounces Stilton,crumbled
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Caramelize onion by melting 3 tablespoons butter in a saute pan over
medium heat. Add onion. Cook for 15to 20 minutes, or until onion is a
deep brown, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and reserve.
Sprinkle your rolling surface with a handful of cornmeal or flour.
Place dough in the middle of the surface. Roll dough out gently 1/4-
inch thick, into either a 12-inch rectangle or circle. Brush both
sides with olive oil and set aside until ready to grill.
If you are grilling on a charcoal grill, set coals on one side of the
Place dough directly on the cooking grate over medium heat for 1 to 3
minutes, until the crust is well marked and browned. Flip dough and
spread tomato slices evenly over crust. Sprinkle onion over top, then
sprinkle cheese over the top. Move to indirect heat (for charcoal: the
side of charcoal grill that has no coals. For gas: turn off burner
directly under pizza). Cover grill and cook for 5 to 10 minutes, or
until bottom is well browned, and cheese is fully melted.
Remove from grill, season with salt and pepper and slice. Serve
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