Well the smells coming out of the crock pot aren't too bad, so that's a good sign! It was an ok meal. I totally didn't write down anything, so this post is worthless. Sorry! I threw some chicken quarters in the crock pot with some onion, whole canned tomatoes from the freezer, a chipotle pepper from the freezer and a chopped up onion, and a bit of water, salt, pepper and garlic. Threw them all in frozen about 30 hours before dinner and cooked them on low. Took them out, shredded them and served them with some refried beans I made, shredded purple cabbage and sliced radishes I needed to use an the rest of a block of cheddar that I also shredded. Not fabulous, but it sure cleared up space in the fridge. I think I will stop posting these improv dishes.
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