Arroz Con Crema

I first saw this on "The Best Thing I Ever Ate".  Aaron Sanchez picked his mother's Arroz Con Crema.  I thought it looked amazing.  Now, I got this off the website for his mother's restaurant, but I am sure mine didn't hold a candle to hers.  This was very tasty.  My son declared this worthy of his favorite file!  My husband isn't home yet, so I can't give you his feed back, but it is a win with us.  I am excited to have it as leftovers.  I know it sounds strange, waiting for leftovers, but tomorrow morning, this with a runny egg yolk just might be heaven.  I only planned on serving this with a salad since it is meatless Monday, but with an egg it would have protein and still be meat free.  Next time:)

Arroz Con Crema

4 c  water
2 c  Uncle Ben’s or other converted rice
1 T  butter
2 t  salt
For the sour cream mixture
2 c  sour cream
1/2 c  chopped onion
1/4 c  chopped cilantro
1    minced garlic clove
 2 T  lard or vegetable oil
2    poblano chiles,roasted, peeled and deveined
1/2 c  chopped onion
1    garlic clove
16    ounce can corn
1/2 lb grated cheddar cheese
1.- Bring water to a boil and add butter and salt.  When the butter
is melted, add the rice and bring back to a boil.  Lower the  heat to very low,
cover the rice with a tight-fitting lid and cook for 25 to 30 minutes,  Take rice
out of the saucepan and spread on a baking sheet to cool  or allow to cool in
the pan uncovered.
2.- Meanwhile, combine the sour cream with the chopped onion and
cilantro and add salt to taste.
3.- Heat the lard in a frying pan and add the chopped onion and garlic
clove. Dice the poblanos and add to pan when the onion is wilted.  Saute for
one minute.  Let cool and combine with the rice.
4.- Drain the can of corn well and add to the cool rice and poblano
mixture. Add the sour cream mixture and mix in the grated cheese.
5.- Bake for 30 minutes or until heated through in a 350 degree oven.
If using a pyrex dish, the oven temperature should be 325 degrees


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